About this blog

This is a blog dedicated to delicious home cooked and home baked food. The type of food that forces you to have more than one helping, and to scrape the plate clean once you've finished. 

On this blog, I hope share with you all sorts of recipes, some quick and easy and some best saved for rainy days when you have plenty of time to just relax and make something wonderful that you can sit and devour afterwards. For each recipe I shall give an approximate time frame as well as what level difficulty I think it is  (so you know what you're getting yourself in for!). I would like to point out that I have attended cookery school and I also cook and bake regularly so I will use this experience to work these things out. I also want to say that, as a recent graduate living in London, I do not have tons of swish equipment or fancy tools to use. I like to keep it simple.

I hope that anyone who reads this blog will find food that they feel comfortable making. The recipes will come from all over the place and I will always give credit when due. I hope that anyone reading this will have fun trying out my recipes and remember, practice makes perfect... if that cake didn't rise or the sauce didn't work DON'T GIVE UP!!

Here are some tips to avoid cooking/baking disasters
  •  If the finished product isn't quite right, try to work out whether you have missed an ingredient or measured something inaccurately. My boyfriend's mum makes amazing pancakes and when she kindly passed the recipe on to me, I decided to treat my boyfriend to one of his favourite meals. However, the cups to kg conversion had been slightly miscalculated and all I can say is doubling the amount of flour than the recipe says is a big no no! 
  • The first time you try a recipe, follow the instructions carefully or else you may end up disappointed. Just take your time, read the instructions and follow them. If it says 'fold in' don't stick it in the mixer for 10 minutes. If it says sear, do that, don't worry that it won't cook properly. Recipes have been tried and tested and whether they are in a book or on a blog like this, people are trying to share recipes they love and truly believe in. So, with your first attempt stick to the recipe. Once you've mastered the recipe, build on it and make it your own. 
  • Avoid trying a new recipe when you are trying to impress anyone. Save it for loved ones as they don't care how long they had to wait, what it tastes like, or how it looks. They will offer some kind words about what you've made and you know the next time you make it, you won't make the same mistakes again. Attempting a new dish for the people you want to impress will just stress you out, so even if you present a perfect dish, you will be far from presentable yourself.
  • Give yourself time. If you've got an hour to make something, choose an easy or familiar recipe. If you've got a whole day on your hands and you're feeling adventurous pick something that will challenge you or something you've always wanted to master.
  • Try to use good quality ingredients. It may be a little more expensive but you can really taste the difference.
  • Finally, and most importantly, I believe that cooking should be fun. You should be happy and relaxed, not weeping. Try to stay positive as things always turn out better that way!
Felicity x

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