Update: 80th Birthday Celebrations

Despite my previous promise of more recipes, I am still buried under a stack of work, AND to make matters worse, application deadlines for all sorts of things are coming up next week which means I have had hardly any time to cook exciting new things... I am officially back to being a student, living off pasta and cheese.

Hopefully, I will get back on track with my blog soon, but, in the mean time, I thought I would share a couple of photos of baking bits and pieces I did for my boyfriend's Grandmother's (Bibi) 80th birthday. 

Here is the birthday girl with her huge birthday trifle (which, sadly, I cannot take the credit for!)  

For Bibi's birthday party, I decorated a chocolate sponge cake with Mickey Mouse. Bibi is a MASSIVE fan of Mickey Mouse so it felt right that he was on her 80th cake. 

Then, for Bibi's actual birthday, I made a big batch of my Vanilla Biscuits and decorated them with things Bibi likes including hibiscus flowers, cardinal birds, and Mickey (of course):

I have come to  realise that biscuits and cookies really do make the best presents. All you need is a pretty box to wrap them up in, and a bit of time to make them. If any one is interested in how to make icing for decorating biscuits like I used above, let me know.

If you don't have the time to faff around with cookie cutters and icing, you can always just make some simple chocolate chip cookies (recipe coming asap!) as I did for my Dad this Christmas:

I hope everyone survived the snowy weather and I will try and post something delicious when I can! 


Winter Wonderland in Sussex

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