Super Oreo Chocolate Brownies

QUICK UPDATE: I forgot to write down the amount of caster sugar these brownies needed yesterday and only just realised! The full recipe is now written below! I hope I didn't cause any brownie related disasters anywhere! 

I was pottering around a big French supermarket today and was wondering what to bake. I somehow ended up in the chocolate aisle and was browsing the many different types of chocolate. Now I must tell you, I am the fussiest chocolate eater ever. I will basically snub anything that isn't Cadbury's. I genuinely think all other chocolate tastes rubbish compared to good old Cadbury's.

So when we arrived in France and Cadbury's was no where to be seen, it was a sad moment in my life. To be honest, i'm not a big chocolate eater, but the fact that I couldn't have a chunk of Cadbury's, no matter what, was pretty upsetting. My boyfriend is at the other end of the scale and likes pretty much all chocolate, even the weird ones in the big variety boxes that most people just steer clear of. You could say we are not chocolate compatible I guess.

So back to the chocolate aisle in Carrefour. I was looking at all the different types and once again mourning the lack of Cadbury's. I was drawn to the 'Milka' brand as it has purple packaging and is clearly trying to be as cool as Cadbury's, when I saw they had Milka Oreo Dairy Milk. Now this is the first time I have ever thought about 'cheating' on Cadbury's. However, rather than buy it (it was crazily expensive) I decided to bake something with chocolate and Oreos. I had a quick think as I grabbed some dark and milk chocolate and realised that today not only felt like a baking day, it felt like a brownie baking day.

Now, I usually leave brownies to my sister, as she is officially known as the 'Brownie Queen'. However, I thought I would have a go at my own little recipe and see how it goes.

As soon as I tasted the batter, I knew I had made a pretty wonderful choice in ingredients. This was confirmed by the smell that wafted around my flat whilst they were baking.

So now they are sitting on the counter, tempting me to eat the whole plate and pretend I didn't bake anything when my boyfriend comes home. However, in the interests of my waistline and because I am going to the beach this summer, I shall sit here and type, sipping my mint tea, pretending that the brownies aren't here.

Now on the timing for these little guys. I like my brownies to still be all gooey and messy and so I cook them until the top looks properly cooked which is usually between 20-30mins. 

However, if you prefer your brownies to be on the firmer side, leave them in the oven a little longer so that the inside can become a little more 'cakey' in texture. A word of warning though, this is never going to produce a proper 'cake' slice, this is a brownie recipe that will always be a little gooey. 



Preparation: 20 minutes
Baking: 20-30 minutes (for a gooey brownie)


  • 200g milk Chocolate (preferably Cadbury's of course!)
  • 300g dark Chocolate (preferably Bournville of course!)
  • 225g butter
  • 225g caster sugar <-------------------- forgot this off yesterday! sorry!! 
  • 3 eggs
  • 75g self raising flour
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 6 Oreo cookies


  1. Preheat your oven to 190C (375F).
  2. Line baking tin with greaseproof paper.*I used a 22cm x 30cm tin
  3. Roughly chop the milk chocolate into chunks and crumble up the Oreos. Set to one side.
  4. Boil a saucepan of water and place a heatproof glass bowl on top. Into this bowl place the dark chocolate and butter and melt, stirring occasionally to combine.
  5. Meanwhile, beat together the eggs and sugar in a large bowl, until properly combined  and creamy.
  6. Add the melted dark chocolate and butter mixture, flour and milk to the egg and sugar mix and stir.
  7. Fold in the milk chocolate pieces and Oreo pieces.*Don't get too enthusiastic or the milk chocolate chunks will melt into the batter and 'disappear'.
  8. Pour mixture into lined tin.
  9. Bake in your pre-heated oven until they are baked to perfection (at least 25mins).

I have just 'tested' a few (yep, thats right, more than one!) of these brownies, as my boyfriend FINALLY got home from work! Luckily they were still warm, which i think is the best way to eat brownies, and they taste amazing. I only wish I had some vanilla ice cream to go with these but a glass of milk will do for now, after all, its nearly dinner time!

I have upped the amount of Oreo's from 4-6 in the recipe above to make them a little more noticeable in the brownies. 

Good luck and have fun!


  1. Absolutely the best brownies I have ever had. Wonderful!

  2. Replies
    1. Well, believe it or not, they taste even better than they look... so give them a go! x
